update on the reading group schedule
We’ll start Friday 17th August at 14:00.
reading group goes on till 22nd August, and we’ll meet every day except friday at 17:00 at the kitchen. We’ll be at the kitchen earlier, but the group sessions will start at 17:00.
So, we made a selection – around 100 pages, which have to be read – and we’ll mail them to you, so just drop us an email. boem(at)postism.org …
why we ask for registration? reading group schedule
In order that we can organize the right amounts of food, drinks, etc, we’ll ask you to confirm your participation by a simple mail – boem(at)postism(dot)org.
Our reading group on rights, freedoms and privileges starting on 15th August – till 21st August will happen at the Migrating Kitchen. With your financial contribution we make sure there will be coffee, food and drinks.
Monday – Sunday we’ll start every day at 10:00 in with 2 – 3 hrs of reading. Than lunch break. Than we can discuss, and as well continue reading, as well in the park.
Monday is still open for other reading groups to join, or present some ideas related with our topics, and Tuesday we’ll invite anyone to our Jour – Fix, every Tuesday at the kitchen.
BOEM – Verein zur Förderung von Kunst, Kultur, Wissenschaft und Kommunikation AT22 2011 1293 6677 4600 GIBAATWWXXX #revosteuer