
Causes for War

early bird info:  Uzroci rata (scroll for BHS)

Looting the physical, monetary and symbolic socially owned property of Yugoslavia


The Volkskundemuseum Wien and BOEM* Verein zur Förderung von Kunst, Kultur, Wissenschaft und Kommunikation cordially invite you to a brunch workshop on the 22.09.2018 at 11:00 – 14:00 as part of the exhibition and project:


The Concept of Testimony in the Commemoration of the Yugoslav Wars.

The workshop will include a guided tour by the curator and a discussion on the role that socially owned property and self-management played in the constitution of the Yugoslav society and their destiny when it was destroyed. Taking into consideration the current discussions on Commons, migration, nationalism, etc. we find this experience highly informative.

The generic political subject “working People” (radni narod) through its self-management and the socially owned property (društvena svojina) were the basis for the constitution and maintainance of the Yugoslav society. The erosion of these political concepts can be traced back as far as the economic reforms of 1963, which some of the testimonies gathered in the project Naming IT war, designate as the beginning of the war. The constitution of 1974 depoliticized the concept of the “working People” by turning the self-management system into a system of cooperatives, and adding the individualistic-atomized concept of citizen as a political subject.

By changing the concept of society from a generic political concept to an ontological conglomerate of individuals the socially owned property was turned into a share-holding company that could be easily privatized and, one which was only kept together by the authority of the Party. However, this same constitution weakened the federal power of both, state and party, and prepared the grounds for secession. The demand for a multi-party system first on a national (republic) level, was the last blow to these concepts since that meant on the one hand bringing people back to the concept of a nation state, i.e. nationalism, and on the other hand, the nationalization/privatization of the monetary and physical (industry and infrastructure) socially owned property in order to finance the newly established parties and the destruction of the symbolic capital of Yugoslavia.


Pljačka fizičke, monetarne i simboličke društvene svojine Jugoslavije


Volkskundemuseum Vien i BOEM* Verein zur Forderung von Kunst, Kultur, Vissenschaft und Kommunikation srdačno vas pozivaju na brunch radionicu 22.09.2018. u 11:00-14:00 u sklopu izložbe i projekta SVEDOČANSTVO – ISTINA ILI POLITIKA Koncept svedočanstva u komemoraciji jugoslovenskih ratova. Radionica će obuhvatiti kustosko vođenje kroz izložbu i diskusiju o ulozi koju su društveno vlasništvo i samoupravljanje igrali u konstituciji jugoslovenskog društva i njihovoj sudbini kada je uništeno. Sa aktuelnim diskusijama o javnim dobrima, migraciji, nacionalizmu itd. ovo iskustvo je visoko informativno.


Generički politički subjekt “radni narod” kroz svoje samoupravljanje i društvenu svojinu bio je osnova za konstituisanje i održavanje jugoslovenskog društva. Erozija ovih političkih koncepata može se pratiti u odnosu na ekonomske reforme iz 1962/63. i 1965. godine, koje su neka od svedočenja sakupljenih u projektu Imenovati TO ratom locirala kao početak rata. Ustav iz 1974. godine depolitizirao je koncept radnog naroda, pretvarajući sistem samoupravljanja u sistem zadruga i dodajući individualističko-atomizovan koncept građanina kao političkog subjekta. Promenom koncepta društva od generičkog političkog koncepta do ontološkog konglomerata pojedinaca, društvena svojina pretvorena je u akcionarsku svojinu, koja bi se lako privatizovala i održavala samo autoritetom Partije. Međutim, ovim ustavom oslabljena je savezna vlast i države i partije i time pripremljena osnova za separatizam. Zahtevi za višestranačkim sistemom najpre na nacionalnom (republičkom) nivou bili su poslednji udarac za ove koncepte, jer je to dovelo ljude, s jedne strane, unazad na koncept nacionalne države, odnosno nacionalizma, i uništavanja simboličkog kapitala Jugoslavije, a, s druge, do nacionalizacije/privatizacije monetarne i fizičke (industrijske i infrastrukturne) društvene svojine radi finansiranja novoosnovanih stranaka.


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