NEXT FRIDAY – 22.7.2011 – 21:00
BOEMIANS! Heros and Heroines of the current crises! Come and spend all your weak Euros at our place. cheap but true: where do you get 40% for your money? Your money?
Our money? At least we’ll have fine tunes @ the BOEM* Gallery, feat. nu hood squad. (republic of ottakring), and free tapas at the Cafe*.
U have the cash, we have the gear, but we take as well: gold, silver, platin, d-mark, silver-schillings, yuan’s, yen, suisse-franks, come practice for your own good, negotiate and smile, while you shoot
your russian cocaine. Brothers and Sisters, you can bring as well some goods for our soon coming, seperatly announced mega crisis 24 h block flea market party event, where you
can participate and sell your soul!
save the date: 30th July. fishsoup festival @ mexikoplatz! feat. bauchladenmafia, gastro guerilla, fruit front, and others… (MORE INFO tba!)
anybody keen to participate at our mega crisis flea market –> get in touch with us!
rock on